It’s all about food quickies~~


All the hype is coming to an end, the wait is over and it’s time to show the real colors. The good news is that now you will never detest those leftovers from last night taking up all that space in your refrigerator.

Combine sugar, spice and everything nice lying in the fridge and add a pinch of humor to get the perfect Food Quickies episode, your guide to quick and healthy food recipes.

The show uses the “con-fusion”i.e, the country fusion where in the chef just uses the flavors of different countries to come together and blend in, just like a UN meeting. The outcome of this integration of cultures through foods is sometimes a miss but is majorly a hit. Call it sheer luck of the chef or the versatility of the ingredients from around the world. It’s like the coming of age parenting which brings about culturally mixed children.

For exciting new recipes and food quickies, all you need is a few clicks on our blog site/facebook/twitter and stay tuned on our YouTube channel to enter the realm of delicious, uncommon and unheard of, exciting new dishes made from your leftovers.